The Bayesian Conspiracy is a conversational podcast for the less hardcore rationalist, who wants to level-up their rational skills while listening to nerdy people argue. Are ya with us?!
Email us at, or chat at the Discord
Steven Zuber – Software developer with an interest in science, philosophy, and all things contemplative. Spends time reading, playing video games, and occasionally socializing.
Eneasz Brodski – Dabbler in many things, and aspiring SF writer. Blogs at Death Is Bad.
Hosts Emeritus:

Those swords in the background aren’t mine.
Katrina Stanton – Lounging on the shoulders of giants. A lover of accuracy, a biology aficionado, a fan of invertebrates, but definitely not a sword user. Don’t be fooled.
Jace Dickey – Your typical optimization nerd. Draws things sometimes. Unapologetically addicted to knowing things and finding things out. Currently still a work in progress. (Not yet a robot… but one day…)