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221 – Why The Field? Why Zombies?? with Liam

Eneasz tries to understand why someone would posit a Chalmers Field, and brings up the horrifying implications.

Zombies! Zombies?
2 Rash 2 Unadvised (the Terra Ignota analysis podcast)
The previous TBC episode, where we first discussed other aspects of this
The Conscious Mind by David Chalmers

0:00:05 – Even More Zombies
01:59:12 – Feedback
02:02:03 – Guild of the Rose
02:03:43 – Less Wrong Posts

Our Patreon, or if you prefer Our SubStack

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
We now partner with The Guild of the Rose, check them out.

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast

LessWrong Sequence Posts Discussed in this Episode:

The Generalized Anti-Zombie Principle


Next Sequence Posts:

Belief in the Implied Invisible

Quantum Explanations

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Bayes Blast 32 – Canadian Health Care

A surprising update for two previously maple-pilled Yanks


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220 – Chalmer’s Zombies, with Liam

We dig into the classic LW post Zombies! Zombies? and talk a lot of philosophy with Liam from the 2 Rash 2 Unadvised podcast.

I (Steven) spent a bunch of time trying to export the conversation from Discord that Liam, Eneasz, and I had. I thought it provided a lot of awesome extra depth to the episode’s topic. Did you know that it’s basically impossible to export from Discord? I’d have edited it for brevity but just getting it at all took forever. Check it out here.

Also, our hero AskWho audio-ized it! You can listen to the exchange rather than read it here.

Stay tuned for next time as we talk about… A One Way Interaction With An Additional Fundamental Law of Reality?

Zombies! Zombies?
2 Rash 2 Unadvised (the Terra Ignota analysis podcast)
The Conscious Mind by David Chalmers
Consciousness As Recursive Reflections, a guest post by Daniel Bottger at ACD


0:00:05 – Zombies!
01:56:37 – Guild of the Rose
02:00:22 – Thank the Patron

Our Patreon, or if you prefer Our SubStack

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
We now partner with The Guild of the Rose, check them out.

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast

LessWrong Sequence Posts Discussed in this Episode:

Zombies! Zombies?

Next Sequence Posts:


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219 – On Excellence, with Tracing Woodgrains

Inspired by Trace’s speech about excellence at VibeCamp 3, Eneasz and Steven speak to Tracing Woodgrains about Excellence and its various aspects

Trace’s SubStack
Trace’s Twitter
Wes on TracingWoodgrains as the Nietzschean Superman
Gymnastics Then vs Now video
Evolution of Gymnastics video

0:00:05 – Excellence
01:17:24 – Guild of the Rose
01:20:21 – Thank the Patron

Our Patreon, or if you prefer Our SubStack

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
We now partner with The Guild of the Rose, check them out.

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast

LessWrong Sequence Posts Discussed in this Episode:


Next Sequence Posts:

Zombies! Zombies?

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218 – Bentham’s Bulldog and the Best Argument for God

Spurred by comments from a couple of episodes ago, we wanted to make sure we didn’t misrepresent Matthew’s position and he agreed to come lay it out for us on the show. Check out the links below to dive in deeper.

Bentham’s Newsletter
Bentham’s Bulldog on the Best Argument for God and also Miracles
Skeptoid #247 on The “Miracle” of Calanda and the Followup Episode
From Matthew’s Substack:
On Consciousness
On Eliezer Yudkowsky Being Wrong
On His Moral Non-Naturalism
On Beliefs Depending on Intuition

Eneasz’s longer post following up on this conversation

0:00:04 – Intro and The Best Argument For God
01:41:55 – Updates and Feedback
01:48:45 – Guild of the Rose
01:50:51 – Less Wrong Posts
02:13:04 – Thank the Patron

Our Patreon, or if you prefer Our SubStack

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
We now partner with The Guild of the Rose, check them out.

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast

LessWrong Sequence Posts Discussed in this Episode:

Reductive Reference

Zombies! Zombies? (sort of)

Next Sequence Posts:

(TBD while we decide when we’re doing the Zombies episode)

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217 – Consensual Violence with Rikard

Rikard joins us to speak about the benefits of consensual violence

Rikard’s Substack – Drunken Masterpieces
Rikard is @rikardhjort Twitter
Defense Against the Dark Arts is just the Dark Arts
The Ultimate Self-Defense Championship
Armchair Violence
The poem Rikard recited

0:00:17 – Consensual Violence
1:24:05 – Guild of the Rose Update
1:25:37 – Less Wrong Posts
1:49:15 – Thank the Patron

Our Patreon, or if you prefer Our SubStack

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
We now partner with The Guild of the Rose, check them out.

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast

LessWrong Sequence Posts Discussed in this Episode:

Heat vs. Motion

Brain Breakthrough! It’s Made of Neurons!

Next Sequence Posts:

Reductive Reference

Zombies! Zombies?

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