31 – Digital Rights and Privacy

Who can access the external part of your brain that you carry around in your pocket? What rights do you have to it? With Chase.

Police demand audio records from the Echo of a murder victim, Amazon displeased (more details)

EFF defends podcasting (as a whole) from a patent troll

Speaking of which – The EFF is the best. Seriously.

The pacemaker that thwarted a fire insurance fraud

The pacemaker that lives inside you is not legally yours and you can’t tamper with it

NewEgg defends online shopping carts from a patent troll

XKCD’s brilliant single-panel comic on DRM and piracy

iTunes deleted music off their user’s hard drive

A woman had her Kindle wiped by Amazon for using it in the wrong country

Published after we recorded – Why You Should Care About The Supreme Court Case On Toner Cartridges (From article – “you don’t “own” things like movies, music, or even the software on your phone; rather, it’s being licensed, which means companies can go to all kinds of lengths to keep controlling how, when, and where you use the things you’ve bought long after you’ve bought them.”)

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3 Responses to 31 – Digital Rights and Privacy

  1. I think European Digital Rights (EDRi) is roughly equivalent to EFF for your European audience (or in my case soon to be former European 🙁 ).

    They have a good newsletter with tips, tricks and software suggestions to feed you paranoia.

    Oh and that laptop with the supposedly non-CIA/NSA interfered with hardware is sold here: https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-x220/

    (i’m not yet so far gone that I am posting this from one of those laptops running Qubes OS via TOR under a pseudonym but give it a few more issues of the EDRi newsletter and I might be 😉 )

  2. Eddie says:

    Another great episode! I’m enjoying the more conversational topics recently more so than the earlier explainational (if that is a word…) eps, though I do miss Katrina’s voice of reason.

    Steven mentioned an open ad blocking thing he used, but I didn’t quite catch the name. Would he be willing to share? I use AdBlock, but would much prefer to use an open source alternative.


  3. Swindle says:

    Was just catching up and this episode made me think of an encounter I had over the weekend. My wife and I upgraded our phones and the next day I needed to bring back one of the accessories for an exchange. She gave me her phone and sent me to the store on my own. They associate at the store wouldn’t let me do the exchange because I wasn’t on the account…

    But I had her device… and I knew her swipe code… (and a savvy thief could probably get that from the grease pattern). So I basically hacked her account in the store, in front of the sales guy who didn’t bat an eye at this, to make myself a manager (or whatever) on the account so he could do my business.

    In short, it was scary how much power just having someone’s phone gives you over their information and accounts. Especially if they use most of the really common convenience features for their various accounts.

    P.S. Rereading this made me sound like a jerk. To be clear my phone is on the same account and the bill is paid from our mutual bank account. So adding myself as a admin or what ever was less of a huge violation of privacy than it sounds like at face value.

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